Just over 15,000 people left the British military last year. Many ex-servicemen and women face struggles whilst adapting back into civilian life and their stories often go untold.
We sometimes hear about those struggling with mental illnesses, such as PTSD, but what about those who don't?
What about those who don't look physically or mentally unwell? Do they not struggle too?
Navigating Civvy Street is a seven minute documentary exploring the struggles which two ex-servicemen faced after leaving the forces, and the support that was available to them afterwards.
The documentary, aimed at BBC Two, aims to give a voice to servicemen who face struggles after leaving the military and are so often forgotten about in mainstream media.

My name is Dollie Wilson and I am a final year Multimedia Journalism undergraduate at Bournemouth University.
I have a keen interest in covering social issues and I like to use journalism as a platform to give a voice to those who feel under-represented within our society.
For this reason, I have chosen to focus my final project on the lives of ex-military personnel, of whom so many struggle when adapting back into civilian life. It is my aim to give ex-servicemen and women a chance to share their struggles whilst also offering an insight into the support which is out there for them.
I would like to thank all the people who took part in my documentary, be it through interviews or helping me find contacts.